















 在上述课题的完成过程中,在国内外核心期刊共发表论文60余篇,其中,以第1作者/通讯作者发表SCI收录论文20余篇,EI收录10余篇。重要成果发表在测量与传感领域国际期刊Measurement》、《Biomedical Signal Processing and Control》,医学物理学《Medical physics》、《Physics in medicine & Biology》以及医用机器人相关的国际学术期刊《International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery等。作为第1申请人,获得授权的实用新型专利6项,获得授权的发明专利10项,已申请国家发明专利5项。



(1) 2004-09 2008-05, 上海交通大学, 仪器科学与技术, 博士

(2) 2002-09 2004-07, 南京理工大学, 仪器科学与技术, 硕士

(3) 1998-09 2002-07, 南京理工大学, 机械设计及制造, 学士


2024.7至今 上海理工大学 教授

2013.7-2024.6 上海理工大学 副教授

2008.7-2013.6 上海理工大学 讲师



(1) 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,62373253,主持

(2) 国家重点研发计划子课题,2023YFF1105002,主持

(3) 国家自然科学基金,青年基金项目,61001164,主持

(4) 上海市自然科学基金面上项目, 15ZR1428200, 主持

(5) 上海市自然科学基金面上项目, 20ZR1437700,主持

(6) 上海市教委科研创新项目,10YZ93,主持

(7) 上海市科委“科技创新行动计划”,子课题主持

(8) 上海市优秀学术带头人项目, 21XD1404900, 子课题主持

(9) 上海市科技重大专项,2021SHZDZX,主要参与人

(10) 主持校医工交叉项目和企业横向课题多项


  1. Xudong Guo, Lei Xu, Zhang Liu, et al. Automated classification of ulcerative lesions in small intestine using densenet with channel attention and residual dilated blocks, Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2024, 69(1): 055017. (SCI收录号:001169651900001)

  2. Guo, Xudong; Xu, Lei; Li, Shengnan; et al. Cascade-EC Network: Recognition of Gastrointestinal Multiple Lesions Based on EfficientNet and CA_stm_Retinanet, Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine, 2024 APR 8. (SCI收录号:001198552900003)

  3. Xudong Guo, Peng Wang, Xiaoyue Chen, Youguo Hao. Revolutionizing motor dysfunction treatment: A novel closed-loop electrical stimulator guided by multiple motor tasks with predictive control, Medical Engineering and Physics, 2024, 129:104184. (SCI收录号:001249229600001)

  4. Xudong Guo; Shengnan Li; Youguo Hao; ZHongyu Luo; Xiangci Yan ; Pose tracking method using magnetic excitations with frequency division for robotic endoscopic capsules, Biomedical Microdevices, 2022, 24(1): 9. (SCI收录号:000739397900001)

  5. Xudong Guo; shengnan Li; Linqi Zhang; Yuxin Wang; Lulu Zhang; Zhang Liu; Jiefang Guo; Yiqi Du ; A novel Joint-Net model for recognizing smallbowel polyp images, Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies, 2022, 31(5): 712-719. (SCI收录号:000714335900001)

  6. Xudong Guo; Lulu Zhang; Youguo Hao; Linqi Zhang; Zhang Liu; Jiannan Liu ; Multiple abnormality classification in wireless capsule endoscopy images based on EfficientNet using attention mechanism, Review of scientific instruments, 2021, 92(9): 094102. (SCI收录号:000724155400003)

  7. Xudong Guo, Na Zhang, Jiefang Guo, Huihe Zhang, et al. Automated polyp segmentation for colonoscopy images: a method based on convolutional neural networks and ensemble learning. Medical physics, 2019, Vol.46, No.12, pp 5666-5676 (SCI收录号:000516580200031).

  8. Xudong Guo, Zhongyu Luo, Haipo Cui, et al. A novel and reproducible release mechanism for a drug-delivery system in the gastrointestinal tract. Biomedical Microdevices, 2019, Vol.21, No.1, p25-33. (SCI收录号:000462391000002).

  9. Guo Xudong, Zhang Na, Cui Haipo, et al. A novel fast solving method for targeted drug-delivery capsules in the gastrointestinal tract. Technology and Health Care. 2019, Vol.27, No.3, p335-341. (SCI收录号:000467911700008).

  10. Xudong Guo, Zhengping Lu, Haipo Cui, Bo Liu, Qinfen Jiang, Shuyi Wang. Modelling and solving the position tracking problem of remote-controlled gastrointestinal drug-delivery capsule. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2018, Vol.39, No.1, p213–218 (SCI收录号:000412607900020).

  11. Xudong Guo, Chengli Song, Rongguo Yan. Optimization of multilayer cylindrical coils in a wireless localization system to track a capsule-shaped micro-device.  Measurement, 2013, Vol.46, No.1, p117–124. (SCI收录号:000313155700013)

  12. Guo Xudong, Yan Rongguo, Wang Cheng. Correction method for wireless electromagnetic localization of microcapsule devices. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2013, Vol.9, No.2, p204-212.(SCI收录号: 000320179300011)

  13. Guo Xudong, Wang Cheng, Yan Rongguo. An electromagnetic localization method for medical micro-devices based on adaptive particle swarm optimization with neighborhood search. Measurement, 2011, Vol.44, No.1, p852-858. (SCI收录号:000290138700008)

  14. Xudong Guo, Rongguo Yan, Cheng Wang. Hardy's Multi-Quadric method of calibrating a wireless electromagnetic localization system for intestinal micro-devices. International Journal for Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2013, Vol.41, No.3, p251-258. (SCI收录号:000316719400004)

  15. Guo Xudong, YAN Guozheng and HE Wenhui. A Position Telemetric Method for Implantable Microcapsules in the gastrointestinal tract. Measurement Science and Technology. 2008, Vol.19, No.4. p045201-8. (SCI收录号:000254406700010)


1、中国自动化学会智能自动化专委会 委员

2、中华医学会上海临床医学工程分会    会员

3、中国生物医学工程学会 会员





