













现任上海交通大学附属第一人民医院骨科临床医学中心副主任(主持工作)、党支部书记,兼脊柱外科主任(南)。主持国家自然科学基金3项、省部级重点项目、交叉项目等课题10余项。近5年来,以通讯作者及共同通讯作者在AdvFunct Mater.NatureCommunicationsBioactiveMaterialsNeuroOncology等刊物发表SCI收录论著30余篇;担任Frontiersin Oncology客座主编,主持BoneMetastasis for Solid Tumors: from Mechanisms to ClinicalTreatment专刊;Gels客座编辑,主题为“Advancedin Smart and ToughHydrogels”。同期,宋滇文教授率领的课题组先后获得国家自然科学基金6项、上海交通大学医工交叉重点项目、上海市申康重大临床研究项目以及各类人才项目的资助,科研经费800余万元。团队成员及培养的研究生先后荣获上海市人才发展基金、上海市科技启明星、上海市卫健委新优青、上海交通大学优秀博士论文提名、上海市优秀毕业生和“院长奖—学生奖”等荣誉。








2005.8    澳大利亚悉尼大学医学院,脊柱外科专项研修3个月

2012.6—2013.6    美国MDAnderson Cancer Center脊柱肿瘤外科访问学者 1


2016.3-至今     上海交通大学附属第一人民医院骨科,主任医师、博导

2015.9-2016.02   第二军医大学第二附属医院骨科,教授、主任医师、博导

2010.12-2015.8   第二军医大学第二附属医院骨科,副教授、副主任医师、硕导

2007.9-2010.11   第二军医大学第二附属医院骨科,副教授、副主任医师

2002.9-2007.8   第二军医大学第二附属医院骨科,讲师、主治医师

1992.7-1997.7   解放军第412医院骨科,医师、主治医师











9.上海市科技委员会科研计划项目,09ZR1410200,转基因BMSCs复合PRP凝胶构建组织工程骨, 2009-062011-0610万,已结题,主持。


  1. 一种组织工程骨及其制备方法和应用方法,专利号:ZL201910275768.2 发文日:2020.6.2

  2. 一种单侧椎板入路手术用牵开器,专利号:ZL201920848583.1 发文日:2020.6.16




  1. CheL, Wang Y, Sha D, Li G, Wei Z, Liu C, Yuan Y, SongD*.A biomimetic and bioactive scaffold with intelligently pulsatileteriparatide delivery for local and systemic osteoporosisregeneration. Bioact Mater. 2022 Apr 5;19:75-87. (通讯作者)

  2. TanX, Tong L, Li L, Xu J, Xie S, Ji L, Fu J, Liu Q, Shen S, Liu Y,Xiao Y, Gao F, Moses RE, Bardeesy N, Wang Y, Zhang J, Tang L, LiL, Wong KK, SongD*,Yang X*, Liu J*, Li X*. Loss of Smad4 promotes aggressive lungcancer metastasis by depression pf PAK3 via miRNA regulation.Nature Communications. Nat Commun. 2021 Aug 11;12(1):4853. IF=14.919(共同通讯作者)

  3. YangYan, Lei Zhou, Zhengwang Sun*, DianwenSong*,Yiyun Cheng*. Targeted and intracellular delivery of proteintherapeutics by a boronated polymer for the treatment of bonetumors. Bioactive Materials. 2021.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioactmat.2021.05.041. IF=14.593(共同通讯作者)

  4. MengT, Huang R, Jin J, Gao J, Liu F, Wei Z, Xu X, Chang Z, Lin J, TaN, Huang Z, Yin H*, Zhou W*, SongD*.The comparative integrated multi-omics analysis identifies CA2 asa novel target for chordoma. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Jul 2:noab156. IF=12.3(通讯作者)

  5. HuJ, Zhang C, Zhou L, Hu Q, Kong Y, SongD*,Cheng Y* and Zhang Y*.A smart hydrogel for on-demand delivery ofantibiotics and efficient eradication of biofilms. Sci. ChinaMater. 2021, 64 (4):1035-1046. IF=8.273 (共同通讯)

  6. MengT, Huang R, Hu P, Yin H, Lin S, Qiao S, Wang R, Wang J, Cai Z,Huang Z*, Cheng L*, SongD*. NovelNomograms as Aids for Predicting Recurrence and Survival inChordoma Patients: A Retrospective Multicenter Study in mainlandChina. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2021 Jan 1;46(1):E37-E47. Q2 IF=3.468 (通讯作者)

  7. ChenJ, Miao W, Yang S, Yin M, Zhao J* and SongD*.LncRNA NR_027471 Functions as a ceRNA for miRNA-8055 Leading toSuppression of Osteosarcoma by Regulating the Expression ofTP53INP1. Front Oncol. 2020, Sep 10:563255. IF=6.244(通讯作者)

  8. ChenJ, Yang S, Wu C, Cui Z, Wan Y, Xu G, Bao G, Zhang J, Chen C, SongD*.Novel Role of HAX-1 in Neurons Protection After Spinal CordInjury Involvement of IRE-1. Neurochem Res. 2020Oct;45(10):2302-2311. IF= 3.038(通讯作者)

  9. MaoM, Zhou L, Huang C, Yan X, Hu S, Yin H, Zhao Q and SongD*.A Malignant Liver and Thoracic Solitary Fibrous Tumor: A 10-YearJourney From the Brain to the Liver and the Spine. Front.Surg. 7:570582. doi: 10.3389/fsurg. 2020.570582 IF=2.718(通讯作者)

  10. CheL, Lei Z, Wu P*, SongD*.A 3D Printable and Bioactive Hydrogel Scaffold to Treat TraumaticBrain Injury. Advanced Functional Materials, 2019; 29(39):1904450. IF= 16.836(通讯作者)

  11. MengT, Jin J, Jiang C, Huang R, Yin H*,Song D*,Cheng L*. Molecular Targeted Therapy in the Treatment ofChordoma: A Systematic Review. Front Oncol. 2019 Feb 1;9:30.IF=4.843(通讯作者)

  12. HuangR, Meng T, Chen R, Yan P, Zhang J, Hu P, Zhu X, Yin H*, SongD*,Huang Z*. The Construction and Analysis of Tumor-infiltratingImmune Cell and ceRNA Networks in Recurrent Soft Tissue Sarcoma.Aging (Albany NY). 2019 Nov 18; 11(22):10116-10143.IF=4.831(通讯作者)

  13. MengT, Huang R, Zeng Z, Huang Z, Yin H, Jiao C, Yan P, Hu P, Zhu X,Li Z, SongD*,Zhang J*, Cheng L*. Identification of prognostic and metastaticalternative splicing signatures in kidney renal clear cellcarcinoma. Frontiers in biomedicine and biotechnology.2019;7:270. IF=3.644(通讯作者)

  14. MiaoW, Chen J, Jia L, Ma J*, SongD*.The m6A methyltransferase METTL3 promotes osteosarcomaprogression by regulating the m6A level of LEF1. Biochem BiophysRes Commun. 2019 Aug 27;516(3):719-725. IF=2.705(通讯作者)

  15. YangH, Wan Z, Huang C, Yin H*, SongD*.AMPH-1 is a tumor suppressor of lung cancer by inhibitingRas-Raf-MEK-ERK signal pathway. Lasers Med Sci. 2019Apr;34(3):473-478. IF=1.949(第一作者)

  16. WanW, Yang C, Yan W, Liu T, Yang X, SongD*, Xiao J*.Adult-onset intradural spinal teratoma: report of 18 consecutivecases and outcomes in a single center. Eur Spine J.2017;26(7):1917-1928. IF=2.563(通讯作者)

  17. YinH, Meng T, Shu L, Mao M, Zhou L, Chen H, SongD*. Novelreduction-sensitive micellar nanoparticles assembled fromRituximab-doxorubicin conjugates as smart and intuitive drugdelivery systems for the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.Chem Biol Drug Des. 2017 Nov;90(5):892-899. IF=2.396 (通讯作者)

  18. LuY, Ning H, Jiang X, Yang R, SongD*,Yuan H*. Metabolomics reveals hippocampal metabolic fluctuationsof postoperative fatigue syndrome and anti-fatigue effect ofCarthamus tinctorius L extract in rat model. BiomedChromatogr.2017 Jul;30(7):1052-1058. IF=1.723 (通讯作者)

  19. SongD#,Meng T#, Lin Z#, Fan T, Li B, Yin H, Li Z, et al: ClinicalFeatures and Prognostic Factors of Pediatric Spine Tumors: ASingle-Center Experience with 190 Cases. Spine (Phila Pa 1976)2016. 41(12):1006-12. IF=2.439(第一作者)

  20. HuangQ, Wei H, Wu Z, Li L, Yao L, Sun Z, Li L, Lin Z, Xu W, Han S, CaoW, Xu Y, SongD*,Yang X*, Xiao J*. PreferentiallyExpressed Antigen of Melanoma Prevents Lung Cancer Metastasis.PLoS One. 2016;11(7):e0149640. IF=3.057 (通讯作者)

  21. SunZ, Wu Z, Zhang F, Guo Q, Li L, Li K, Chen H, Zhao J, SongD*, Huang Q*, LiL*, Xiao J*. PRAME is critical for breast cancer growth andmetastasis. Gene. 2016. 594(1):160-164. IF=2.319(通讯作者)

  22. MengT, Chen R, Zhong N, Fan T, Li B, Yin H, Li Z, Zhou W, SongD*,Xiao J*. Factors associated with improved survival followingsurgical treatment for metastatic prostate cancer in the spine:retrospective analysis of 29 patients in a single center. World JSurg Oncol. 2016;14(1):200. IF=1.286(通讯作者)

  23. YangJ, Yang X, Miao W, Jia Q, Wan W, Meng T, Wu Z, Cai X, SongD*,Xiao J*. Spine extra-osseous chordoma mimickingneurogenic tumors: report of three cases and review of theliteratures. World J Surg Oncol. 2016;14(1):206.  IF=1.286(通讯作者)

  24. SongD#,Meng T#, Xu W#, Hou T, Lin Z, Yin H, Li B, Zhou L, et al:5-Fluoruracil blocked giant cell tumor progression by suppressingosteoclastogenesis through NF-kappaB signals and blockingangiogenesis. Bone 2015, 78:46-54. IF= 3.736(第一作者)

  25. MengT, Yin H, Li B, Li Z, Xu W, Zhou W, Cheng M, Wang J, Zhou L, YangX, SongD*,Xiao J: Clinical features and prognostic factors of patients withchordoma in the spine: a retrospective analysis of 153 patientsin a single center. Neuro Oncol 2015, 17:725-732.IF=7.371(通讯作者)

  26. MengT, Yin H, Li Z, Li B, Zhou W, Wang J, Zhou L, SongD*,Xiao J: Therapeutic strategy and outcome of spine tumors inpregnancy: a report of 21 cases and literature review. Spine(Phila Pa 1976) 2015, 40:E146-153. IF=2.439(通讯作者)

  27. MengT, Zhou W, Li B, Yin H, Li Z, Zhou L, Kong J, Yan W, Yang X, LiuT, SongD*,Xiao J*: En bloc resection for treatment of tumor-inducedosteomalacia: a case presentation and a systematic review. WorldJ Surg Oncol 2015, 13:176. IF=1.286(通讯作者)

  28. ChenC, Chen Q, Ouyang Q, Sun J, Liu F, SongD*,Yuan H*. Transient early neurotrophin release and delayedinflammatory cytokine release by microglia in response to PAR-2stimulation. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 2012,9:142. IF=4.351(通讯作者)


中国医药教育学会血液学专委会多发性骨髓瘤外科学组 副主任委员

中华医学会结核病学分会骨科专业委员会 常务委员

中国医师协会骨科分会脊柱学柱 委员

中国康复医学会脊柱脊髓损伤学会 委员

中国研究型医院学会骨肿瘤外科工作委员会 委员

中国抗癌协会骨肿瘤分会脊柱肿瘤学组 委员

上海市中西医结合学会脊柱专委会肿瘤学组 组长

上海市医学会骨质疏松专科分会 委员

上海市医学会骨科专科分会脊柱学组 委员

上海市松江区医学会骨科分会 主任委员


