


















(1)2006.9–2009.6, 上海交通大学医学院,免疫学,博士

(2)2002.9–2005.6, 上海第二医科大学,病理生理学,硕士

(3)1979.9–1984.6, 中国医科大学,临床医学,学士


(1)2004-03 至今,上海交通大学,医学院附属新华医院检验科,主任医师

(2)1998-12 2004-02,上海第二医科大学,附属上海儿童医学中心检验科,副主任医师

(3)1990-03 1998-11,上海第二医科大学,附属新华医院检验科,主治医师

(4)1986-01 1990-02,上海第二医科大学,附属新华医院检验科,医师

(5)1984-07 1985-12,上海第二医科大学,附属新华医院妇产科,医师



  1. ZhengY; Chen Z; Han Y; Han L; Zou X; Zhou B; Hu R; Hao J; Bai S; XiaoH; Li WV; Bueker A ; Ma Y; Xie G; Yang J; Chen S; Li H; Cao J;Shen L ; Immune suppressive landscape in the human es ophagealsquamous cell carcinoma microenvironment., Nature Communications,2020, 11(1): 0-6268

  2. ZhengY, Chen Z, Zhou B, Chen S, Han L, Chen N, Ma Y, Xie G, Yang J,Nie H, Shen L. PRMT5 Deficiency Enforces the Transcriptional andEpigenetic Programs of Klrg1+CD8+ Terminal Effector T Cells andPromotes Cancer Development. J Immunol. 2022 Jan15;208(2):501-513

  3. ZhangS, Zheng N, Chen X, Du K, Yang J, Shen L. Establishment andValidation of a Ferroptosis-Related Long Non-Coding RNA Signaturefor Predicting the Prognosis of Stomach Adenocarcinoma. FrontGenet. 2022 Feb 15;13:818306

  4. Xie,Guohua; Dong, Ping; Chen, Hui; Xu, Ling; Liu, Yi; Ma, Yanhui;Zheng, Yingxia; Yang, Junyao; Zhou, Yunlan; Chen, Lei; Shen,Lisong ; Decreased expression of ATF3, orchestrated by β-catenin/TCF3, miR-17-5p and HOXA11-AS, promoted gastric cancerprogression via increased β-caten in and CEMIP., Experimentaland Molecular Medicine, 2021, 53(11): 1706-1722

  5. Chen,Xiaocui; Zhang, Shuqiong; Du, Kun; Zheng, Naisheng; Liu, Yi;Chen, Hui; Xie, Guohua ; Ma, Yanhui; Zhou, Yunlan; Zheng,Yingxia; Zeng, Lingfang; Yang, Junyao; Shen, Lisong ; Gastriccancer-secreted exosomal X26nt increases angiogenesis andvascular permeability by targeting VE-c adherin., CANCER SCIENCE,2021, 112(5): 1839-1852

  6. Luo,Qin; Zheng, Naisheng; Jiang, Li; Wang, Tingting; Zhang, Peng;Liu, Yi; Zheng, Peimin g; Wang, Weiwei; Xie, Guohua; Chen, Lei;Li, Dongdong; Dong, Ping; Yuan, Xiangliang; Shen, Lisong ; Lipidaccumulation in macrophages confers protumorigenic polarizationand immunity in gastric c ancer., CANCER SCIENCE, 2020, 111(11):4000-4011 (期刊论文)

  7. WangT, Zheng N, Luo Q, Jiang L, He B, Yuan X,Shen L. ProbioticsLactobacillus reuteri Abrogates Immune CheckpointBlockade‐Associated Colitis by Inhibiting Group 3 InnateLymphoid Cells. Frontiers in Immunology. 2019:10

  8. XingKe,Lisong Shen. Targeting cytokines secreted byCD4+CD25highCD127low regulatory T cells inhibits ovarian cancerprogression Scand J Immunol. 2019, 892﴿:e12736

  9. JuanMa, Jennifer Dunlap, Aleksandra Paliga,Elie Traer, Richard Press,Lisong Shen, Guang Fan. DNMT3A co‐mutation is required forFLT3‐ITD as an adverse prognostic indicator in intermediateriskcytogenetic group AML Leuk Lymphoma. 2018, 598﴿:1938‐1948

  10. JingxianLiu,Jing Yu,Feng Chen,Jiajia Yu,Patricia Simner,PranitaTamma,Ying Liu,Lisong Shen.Emergenceand establishment of KPC‐2‐producing ST11 Klebsiellapneumoniae in a general hospital in Shanghai,China. EuropeanJournal of Clinical Microbiology &Infectious Diseases 2018372﴿:293–299

  11. BinWang, Wei Zhou, Wenting Zhu, Lin Chen, Weiye Wang, Ying Tian,Lisong Shen, Jun Zhang. Associations of female exposure tobisphenol A with fecundability: Evidence from a preconceptioncohort study Environment International 2018 117:139‐145

  12. JunyaoYang, Jing Xu, Martin Danniel, Xiaocong Wang, Wen Wang, LingfangZeng, Lisong Shen. The interaction between XBP1 and eNOScontributes to endothelial cell migration Environ Int. 20183632﴿:262‐270

  13. PeimingZheng1, Qin Luo, Weiwei Wang,Junhua Li, Tingting Wang, Ping Wang,Lei Chen, Peng Zhang, Hui Chen, Yi Liu, Ping Dong,Guohua Xie,Yanhui Ma, Li Jiang, Xiangliang Yuan, Lisong Shen.Tumor‐associated macrophages‐derived exosomes promote themigration of gastric cancer cells by transfer of functionalApolipoprotein E. Cell Death Dis. 2018 94﴿:434

  14. Zheng,Peiming ; Chen, Lei ; Yuan, Xiangliang ; Luo, Qin; Liu, Yi; Xie,Guohua; Ma, Yanhui; Shen, Lisong, Exosomal transfer oftumor-associated macrophage-derived miR-21 confers cisplatinresistance in gastric cancer cells , JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL &CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 2017.4.13, 36

  15. Liu,Yi; Chen, Hui; Zheng, Peiming; Zheng, Yingxia; Luo, Qin;Xie,Guohua; Ma, Yanhui; Shen, Lisong, ICG-001 suppresses growthof gastric cancer cells and reduces chemoresistance of cancerstem cell-like population, JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & CLINICALCANCER RESEARCH, 2017.9.11, 36

  16. Zheng,Yingxia; Huang, Liya; Ge, Wensong; Yang, Ming; Ma, Yanhui;Xie,Guohua; Wang, Weiwei; Bian, Bingxian; Li, Li; Nie, Hong;Shen, Lisong, , Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 5 InhibitionUpregulates Foxp3(+) Regulatory T Cells Frequency and Functionduring the Ulcerative Colitis. Front Immunol, 2017, 8: 596~596

  17. Zheng,Yingxia; Ge, Wensong; Ma, Yanhui; Xie, Guohua; Wang, Weiwei;Han,Li; Bian, Bingxian; Li, Li; Shen, Lisong,miR-155 RegulatesIL-10-Producing CD24(hi)CD27(+) B Cells and Impairs TheirFunction in Patients with Crohn's Disease. , Front Immunol, 2017,8: 914~914


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81672363,肿瘤相关性巨噬细胞通过外泌体激活糖代谢通路促进胃癌转移的作用和机制,2017/01-2020/1263万元,结题,主持。

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81372641FcγR介导SOCS2/3信号转导调控巨噬细胞极化在胃癌转移中的作用及机制,2014/01-2017/1272万元,结题,主持。

  3. 上海市科委产学研医系列重点项目,14DZ1940201,基于LuminexxMAP平台的哮喘易感基因SNP分型试剂盒的开发,2014/07-2017/09128万,结题,主持。

  4. 上海市科委基础研究重点项目,11JC1408300,基于LCT技术尿脱落细胞融合基因和尿肌氨酸检测的无创性前列腺肿瘤早期诊断新方法的应用研究,2012/01-2014/1230万元,已结题,主持。

  5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81072009,胃癌细胞表达Foxp3介导免疫逃逸在胃癌早期发生中的作用研究,2011/01-2013/1235万元,结题,主持。

  6. 上海市科委转化医学研究重点项目,10411950400,人OVA66蛋白血清抗体检测方法的建立及其临床应用前景评估,2010/07-2013/0920万元,结题,主持。

  7. 上海市科委医疗器械领域重点定向项目,09DZ1907203,肾功能相关生化指标诊断试剂的质量对比研究,2009/10-2011/920万元,结题,主持。


  1. 中华医学会检验分会常委兼免疫学组组长              

  2. 上海市医师协会理事                                

  3. 上海市医师协会检验医师分会会长                    

  4. 上海市生物医学工程学会智慧医学诊断专委会主任委员  

  5. 上海市检验医师培训专家组组长                      

  6. 世界华人检验与病理医师协会副会长                  

  7. 上海市免疫学会常务理事兼副秘书长                  

  8. 上海市检验质量专家委员会委员                      

  9. 上海市社会医疗机构协会检验医学分会会长


  1. 恶性肿瘤的发病机制研究

  2. 新型分子诊断技术的研究